want to write more poetry because i know it’s good for my soul
like yoga, or foot massages, or laughter
i want to perfect an craft i’ve always felt most comfortable in, but leave neglected
a blanket i only pull out on the worst days
i want to be the girl with poetry in the notes section of her phone, fragments, words, over heard conversations
“you’re making us look like amateurs here!”
“mother would like this”
“can we get tea”
i want to be poet, claim the term like sorceress, heroine, an identity marker
i want words to be my currency
and everyday be pay day
i want to write i want to write i want to break down every dam inside of me
every reminder of MLA format every math formula everything that built the walls that kept my poetry in i am Poet, Heroine, Sorceress
my favorite songs are the ones that start slow
same with kisses, and friendships, and memories
my favorite ideas are the ones that come fast
sitting up in the middle of the night heart pounding
my mind feels best when it gets to race
words and words and words