Saturday, April 26, 2014


the recognition of futures both great and unknown
past meeting future under dinosaur bones 

Friday, April 25, 2014

phrases from old journals

she was much like shoulder blades
bony and not often thought of as beautiful,
but elegant in her own way

I am terribly afraid of being unimportant. We all want to matter, to leave our legacy. 

We shared glances. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014


today i filled in bubbles denoting my base identity
my name, gender, grade level and various numbers assigned to me
forms in advance for easy placement, in looming APs

bags under eyes and fat review books are in vogue
pressure is in style
treat yourself to fresh breaths of air,
fellowship, and smiles

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Smiles tie better knots than boyscouts and
Some songs create tighter bonds than stakeouts and
Friendship can lift higher than caffeine 
And the world shines brighter when happy 

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


my hands in defeat
and my spirits when they are low
heavy eyelids and heavy feet
currents against the flow

Monday, April 21, 2014


Running and chattering// When i was young
Fell on my knees// White teeth bit my tongue 
Mouth full of words// Filled with fresh blood

Mother was frantic// What to do// What to do
In my excitement// Almost was split in two

Working you're working// Late into the night
Stress//Study//Stress//Until the numbers are right
Bags under your eyes// Give your reflection a fright

Heavy eyelids and heart stress// What to do// What to do
In all your ambition// You may be split in two 

Sunday, April 20, 2014

easter sunday

an open tomb
his open arms
my healed wounds
prince of peace returned

he is not here
he has risen
just as he said

spread the news 
rejoice! rejoice! 
an empty funeral bed