Thursday, November 17, 2016

light shoulders

As every day of autumn passes,
Something that was weighing heavy on my shoulders 
floats away

I expect by winter I will be as light as a feather,
Drift up the air and then come down
with the snow to break my fall

Monday, August 22, 2016


here is a memory
holding your breath under the water
sending bubbles to the surface like messengers
chlorine burning open eyes and wrinkly finger tips

here is a moment
talking until you fell asleep
waking up with someone to tell your dreams to
sleeping bags and whispered secrets

here is a mystery
rushing towards something but not knowing what
knowing the future is always one step ahead
worried nights and favorite daydreams

Sunday, August 21, 2016

summer night

It was the first night of summer and her skin itched with the mosquito bites she hadn't gotten yet. It was the last night of summer and her mind itched for new possibilities. She never understood why they didn't celebrate the end of August the way they did the end of December, with fireworks and music and kisses at midnight. This part always felt like a more fitting time for resolutions, this was the true new year. This time, summer had gotten an extension of sorts, a deadline delayed, a few extra weeks of limbo that hardly counted, really, because they would be spent alone. 

She was thinking about the sky when it gets beautiful and big and makes you feel like the top of the rollercoaster, a small drop in your stomach, she could fall in. 
Like a good song that makes you miss your exit, keep driving on the highway, on a journey without a destination, is this what it means to get lost in the music? 
Like writing endlessly, with no limits, and no fear. Suddenly everything is inspiration. 

She thinks love is bigger then even the sky, because no matter how far she goes it stays the same.

Friday, August 5, 2016

words and words and words

want to write more poetry because i know it’s good for my soul
like yoga, or foot massages, or laughter

i want to perfect an craft i’ve always felt most comfortable in, but leave neglected

a blanket i only pull out on the worst days

i want to be the girl with poetry in the notes section of her phone, fragments, words, over heard conversations

“you’re making us look like amateurs here!”

“mother would like this”

“can we get tea”

i want to be poet, claim the term like sorceress, heroine, an identity marker

i want words to be my currency
and everyday be pay day

i want to write i want to write i want to break down every dam inside of me 
every reminder of MLA format every math formula everything that built the walls that kept my poetry in i am Poet, Heroine, Sorceress

my favorite songs are the ones that start slow
same with kisses, and friendships, and memories

my favorite ideas are the ones that come fast
sitting up in the middle of the night heart pounding
my mind feels best when it gets to race

words and words and words

Saturday, July 30, 2016


to the girl in the park who said she liked my glasses
i hope that your fruit is always perfectly ripe, and that you never skin your knees

to the man who held the door open for me yesterday
i hope your favorite songs on the radio finish just as you’re pulling into your driveway, and you never misplace your keys

to the cashier that called me honey and smiled wide
i hope your favorite tv shows are never cancelled prematurely, and your feet never fall asleep

to the universe, in total

i hope you soon find peace

a kind of nervous

being on the cusp of life is like
standing in line for the diving board

the kind of nervous that comes when
you don’t know what to fear exactly

because when you try to imagine what’s next
there’s an emptiness

the space below the surface that you can’t quite picture
a daily routine that you can’t yet know

and being ready to jump
but having to wait

your turn

without you

i stood tiptoe and reached high
put you on a pedestal and left you there
proceeded to spend years
trying to be enough, to join you
but indifference cannot be pleased
you didn’t so much fall off as
crumble away
and when i noticed
i climbed up to assess the damage

and found i liked the view 

this is how sunsets make me feel

  1. like i’ve swallowed a sweet hot tea, and my tongue is still tingling
  2. like i need to tell the sun, personally, how good a job she’s doing
  3. like if i just keep going i’ll find a place that’s soft
  4. like i’m small, but safe
  5. like the day couldn’t be that bad, to have such an exit
  6. like the darkness must be starstruck, to have such an opening act

this is about blood

is it okay to hate your body if it’s only once a month?

is it okay if your body feels like it’s hating you back?

twisting in on itself 
from your core 
making you sweaty, and slow, 
and sore

this, feels like The Flood
maybe it is, a cycle that
keeps humanity going
but not this time

this, is about blood
and survival
i’ve touched your heart
and i will not harm you
you will be fine

is it okay to love your body now, even now, after all this time?

because even the pain feels like proof, 
and power, 
and life

Wednesday, July 20, 2016


i know you like your eggs sunny side up
and driving with the windows down
and turning the bass up high
and feeding stray cats

i know you hold on to what you love tightly
wearing holes in your favorite socks
and giving out second chances

i know the way your shoulders tense in traffic
and the way they relax against your pillow

i know you, your scent, your dreams, your fears

your eyes, your nose, your ears 

we’re in sync; 
we reach out arms to steady each other when one of us wobbles, 
or sometimes, fall down together, laugh at our own tears, get up again, keep going

back and better and better then ever and it’s always true and truer