Thursday, April 23, 2015

trying to write about a feeling

you're hearing the song with your ears but feeling it in your chest
you're sliding between clean sheets

your cheeks hurt from smiling
your stomach is sore from laughing

you're waking up to the smell cinnamon rolls baking
you're finishing your new favorite book, and staring at the ceiling until your mind stops reeling

your tongue is tickled with cotton candy
your throat feels rough from singing at the top of your lungs, and from the bottom of them too

you're racing down the sidewalk; you won't be the rotten egg today
you're winning the class game of Jeopardy; take that other side of the room

your fingers are sticky from melting pop-sickles
your freckles are starting to show in the sun

you're trying to write about about a feeling
you're remembering why you're alive

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