Sunday, March 25, 2012

Deceased Feelings

The seed of an idea
It took its time to grow
Began to expand
Manifested oh so slow
But when the silver sissors
Snipped the stem
it took but a bare insant
After all that work
And spent time
It put up no resistance

It was in prime condition
No wear
And no rust
But in nothing more then a moment
It crumbled into dust

A city built in a century
Is crushed with just one bomb
A life takes a while living
But the ending's hardly long

Forever I have known this
And yet I was suprised
What thought of as endless
Did not take much time

I didn't see the headlights coming
Nothing flashed before my eyes
There was no moment of enlightenment
I couldn't pick the truth from lies

Just a moment
Then the next
No fireworks between
There was no gathering crowd
There was nothing to be seen

Things die every day
It couldn't be considered news
Yet somehow I expected immortality
Of my opinion
Of you