Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Free from the answers that got stuck on the tongue
Free from the drama and words that stung
Free from the workload
Free to have fun
Free of expectations
Free to be young


Bile burns the throat
Before the throne they kneel
Meal re-served in a porcelain bowl
They can't wretch up what they feel
And all they feel is empty
Lying on the tiled ground
They swallowed societies lies
They can't keep their own food down

"Friend" Request

I've never spoken to you
But we're friends anyway
I'd comment on your photo
If I had anything to say
I thought we could start to talk
But the fact is
You're not likeley to like me better
If I "like" your status
So we remain where we are
And where we'll always be
But don't you know we're friends?
Online for everyone to see

Media Machine

It's just a line
Let's call it art!
Play classical music in the womb!
Make the baby smart!
When they feel so inadaquate
Let's blame it on their peers
We'll sell them icecream
And something to dry the tears

Ever after

Trying to write poetry with happy
Is trying to sprint while you are
No matter how happy the days
How joyful and free
Verses come from that brooding part
Where it's hard to see

Summer Snowflakes

Trickle of sweat
Down the nape of the neck
Bite bottom lip
Are we there yet?
How should I know! I don't know where we're going!
There's no blizzards in sight
But in her mind it's

Mind Games

Staying true to myself starts to feel like a
Trying to get the picture
But the truth's not in
I've seen so many images
Don't know if my thoughts are my own
Screaming stay out of my head and leave me