Tuesday, April 30, 2013

outgrown imagination

when did we start letting ourselves 
outgrow imagination
as if it was last year's winter coat

why did we 
let go of the sensation 
we found between fairy tales and root beer floats 

We used to be pirates or princesses 
(if you were me, often times both)
But now we've moved on to "more important" interests 
A side effect of growth

We spend less then a decade
In the world of play, and "that's cute"
Then are told to put the fantasies away 
And abandon our own roots

So much cooler to be sophisticated, mature
and carefully unenthusiastic 
The unfettered excitement for unseen worlds and new friends
Lost in favor of upturned noses and sarcasm

Those feelings keep the mind young
And in the day to day we've forgotten
They can keep life fun 
but "fun's..... for kindergarten" 

"Hogwarts and Narnia and sheet-and pillow forts
those aren't real or realistic or right!
they aren't of the future-prep sorts!"
so we're given a red-light

all the while

we base our lives on an imaginary concept we've created in our minds.

you ask the clock maker, not the "real world" if you want to know the time. 

so children, teenagers, and adults alike. imagining...is just fine. 

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