Monday, April 14, 2014


bigger boots don't always mean better footprints
a ballerina's tiptoe's beauty outsteps the war march
flowers bloom in secret places
windchime tinkling is less harsh

voice the loudest
mindset strongest
unwilling to take advice
grenades, your shouts-- all drowned out
by sweet sounding compromise 


  1. it's simply fascinating how you're consistently posting wonderful works every day for poetry month. how long does it take for you to write one just wondering?

  2. Thanks! I actually don't love most of the ones I've written this month because they have been really rushed, less then five minutes each- usually write before I go to bed, or in the case of this one- during chemistry class. The better ones usually occur a little more gradually. I'll have a phrase or feeling in mind and then writing will take maybe twenty minutes max.

  3. haha they're all still so well thought out with a major and relevant purpose cleverly woven in each. I love writing myself so I find them lovely reads. just thought they deserved some more verbal praise :P
